Research Interests:
My research interests are in the areas of robust and stochastic optimization, control, and game theory with a focus on applications to sustainable transportation and electric power systems.
About Me:
I am an Associate Professor and the David D. Croll Sesquicentennial Faculty Fellow in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cornell University. At Cornell, I also currently serve as the Faculty-in-Residence for Hu Shih Hall.
I received my BS and PhD from UC Berkeley in 2006 and 2011, where I was advised by Kameshwar Poolla. Prior to joining Cornell in 2012, I spent one year as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the California Institute of Technology (hosted by Adam Wierman and Steven Low) and UC Berkeley (hosted by Pravin Varaiya and Kameshwar Poolla). In 2016, I was an invited Visiting Scientist at the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing as part of a research program on Algorithms and Uncertainty. I am a recipient of the NSF Faculty Early Career Development Award (CAREER), the Einhorn Community-Engaged Practice and Innovation Award, the John and Janet McMurtry Fellowship, the John G. Maurer Fellowship, and the Robert F. Steidel Jr. Fellowship.
In addition to my academic research, I have also served as a consultant and scientific advisor to several major US companies, including Amazon, Uber Technologies, Avangrid, and Con Edison.
Some Recent Talks:
Energy and Uncertainty
Distributionally Robust Regret Optimal Control
Achieving Reliable Coordination of Electric Vehicle Charging
Unlocking the Value of Electric Vehicles as Grid Assets
(May '22) Congratulations to Feras Al Taha for being awarded the prestigious NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship to develop data-driven learning and control methods to unlock the value of electric vehicles as grid assets!
(Jan '16) Congratulations to Subhonmesh Bose on starting his new position as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UIUC.
(Dec '14) Subhonmesh Bose receives the Atkinson Postdoctoral Fellowship in Sustainability to study the design of optimization algorithms to support the deep integration of renewable energy resources into the electric power grid. Support for two years is gratefully acknowledged.
(Aug '14) Subhonmesh Bose (PhD, Caltech) joins our research group as a postdoctoral scholar.
(Mar '14) Received the NSF CAREER award to investigate the design, optimization, and economics of distributed and renewable power systems. Support for five years is gratefully acknowledged.
(Dec '16) "From the Inside: Algorithms and Uncertainty," by Avrim Blum (Simons Institute) A retrospective on the recently completed program on Algorithms and Uncertainty at the Simons Institute.
(Sept '14) "Experiment Makes Energy Savings a Game," by Anne Ju (Cornell Chronicle) A recent article in the Cornell Chronicle describing our experimental demand response pilot with ConEdison.